
  • Observation of the mechanisms of boiling heat transfer enhancement through the addition of a nonionic surfactant using high-speed infrared thermometry.

    Nanako Io, Ryota Tamura, Takanori Tanaka, Jun Nakamura, Tomohide Yabuki

  • Heat flux partitioning and macrolayer observation in pool boiling of water on a surface with artificial nucleation sites.

    Shota Yajima, Nanako Io, Koji Miyazaki, Tomohide Yabuki

  • Unveiling the Role of the Metal Oxide/Sn Perovskite Interface Leading to Low Efficiency of Sn-Perovskite Solar Cells but Providing High Thermoelectric Properties.

    Ajay Kumar Baranwal, Shrikant Saini, Yoshitaka Sanehira, Gaurav Kapil, Muhammad Akmal Kamarudin, Chao Ding, Shahrir Razey Sahamir, Tomohide Yabuki, Satoshi Iikubo, Qing Shen, Koji Miyazaki, and Shuzi Hayase

  • Use of anti-solvent to enhance thermoelectric response of hybrid halide perovskite thin films.

    Shrikant Saini, Izuki Matsumoto, Sakura Kishishita, Ajay Kumar Baranwal, Tomohide Yabuki, Shuzi Hayase, Koji Miyazaki

  • Relationship between Carrier Density and Precursor Solution Stirring for Lead-Free Tin Halide Perovskite Solar Cells Performance.

    Ajay Kumar Baranwal, Kohei Nishimura, Dong Liu, Muhammad Akmal Kamarudin, Gaurav Kapil, Shrikant Saini, Tomohide Yabuki, Satoshi Iikubo, Takashi Minemoto, Kenji Yoshino, Koji Miyazaki, Qing Shen, Shuzi Hayase

  • 冷感マスクの赤外域放射特性

    長野 利春, 早川 翔大, 三浦 飛鳥, 渡邊 厚介, 矢吹 智英, 宮崎 康次

  • Measurement of thermal boundary resistance between water and superhydrophobic surfaces by the bi-directional differential 3ω method.

    Jiao Yihang, Koji Miyazaki, Tomohide Yabuki

  • Observation of heat transfer mechanisms in saturated pool boiling of water by high-speed infrared thermometry.

    Takanori Tanaka, Koji Miyazaki, Tomohide Yabuki

  • Direct local heat flux measurement during water flow boiling in a rectangular minichannel using a MEMS heat flux sensor.

    Masanori Morisaki, Shota Minami, Koji Miyazaki, Tomohide Yabuki

  • Electrolytic Bubble Nucleation Activation in Pool Boiling of Water: Heat Transfer Enhancement and Reduction of Incipient Boiling Superheat.

    Takanori Tanaka, Koji Miyazaki, Tomohide Yabuki

  • Unileg Thermoelectric Module Comprised by Coated Halide-Perovskite Thin Film.

    Shrikant Saini, Ajay Kumar Baranwal, Tomohide Yabuki, Shuzi Hayase, Koji Miyazaki

  • Hybrid-Halide Perovskite Thin Film Growth for Thermoelectric Applications.

    Shrikant Saini, Ajay Kumar Baranwal, Tomohide Yabuki, Shuzi Hayase, Koji Miyazaki

  • Interface engineering using Y2O3 scaffold to enhance the thermoelectric performance of CsSnI3 thin film.

    Ajay Kumar Baranwal, Shrikant Saini, Zhen Wang, Daisuke Hirotani, Tomohide Yabuki, Satoshi Iikubo, Koji Miyazaki, Shuzi Hayase

  • Effect of Precursor Solution Aging on the Thermoelectric Performance of CsSnI3 Thin Film.

    Ajay Kumar Baranwal, Shrikant Saini, Zhen Wang, Kengo Hamada, Daisuke Hirotani, Kohei Nishimura, Muhammad Akmal Kamarudin, Gaurav Kapil, Tomohide Yabuki, Satoshi Iikubo, Qing Shen, Koji Miyazaki, Shuzi Hayase

  • Two-Dimensional Phonon Polariton Heat Transport.

    Laurent Tranchant, Satoki Hamamura, Jose Ordonez-Miranda, Tomohide Yabuki, Alejandro Vega-Flick, Fernando Cervantes-Alvarez, Juan Jose Alvarado-Gil, Sebastialn Volz, Koji Miyazaki

  • Growth of halide perovskites thin films for thermoelectric applications.

    Shrikant Saini, Ajay Kumar Baranwal, Tomohide Yabuki, Shuzi Hayase, Koji Miyazaki

  • 3オメガ法を用いた有機-無機界面の熱抵抗測定

    栗山 洸, 矢吹 智英, 宮崎 康次

  • Organic-Inorganic Thermoelectric Material for a Printed Generator.

    Kunihisa Kato, Kou Kuriyama, Tomohide Yabuki, Koji Miyazaki

  • Thermal diodes regulators, and switches: Physical mechanisms and potential applications.

    Geoff Wehmeyer, Tomohide Yabuki, Christian Monachon, Junqiao Wu, Chris Dames

  • Microlayer formation characteristics in pool isolated bubble boiling of water.

    Tomohide Yabuki, Osamu Nakabeppu

  • Microscale wall heat transfer and bubble growth in single bubble subcooled boiling of water.

    Tomohide Yabuki, Osamu Nakabeppu

  • MEMS sensor measurement of surface temperature response during subcooled flow boiling in a rectangular flow channel.

    Tomohide Yabuki, Randy Samaroo, Osamu Nakabeppu, Masahiro Kawaji

  • Thermal Design of a Thermoelectric Micro-Generator.

    Shota Hama, Tomohide Yabuki, Laurent Tranchant, Koji Miyazaki

  • Heat transfer mechanisms in isolated bubble boiling of water observed with MEMS sensor.

    Tomohide Yabuki, Osamu Nakabeppu

  • Interferometric Measurement of the Liquid-Phase Temperature Field around an Isolated Boiling Bubble.

    Tomohide Yabuki, Takuya Hamaguchi, Osamu Nakabeppu

  • MEMSセンサを用いた核沸騰熱伝達機構の研究

    矢吹智英, 中別府修

  • 核沸騰熱伝達機構研究用MEMSセンサ

    矢吹智英, 濱口拓矢,中別府修

  • Contribution of latent heat transfer in pool boiling.

    Takanori Tanaka, Tomohide Yabuki, Koji Miyazaki

  • Pool Boiling CHF Enhanced with Superhydrohilic Micro/Nano Structures Fabricated by Thermal Spray and Chemical Oxidation.

    Takanori Tanaka, Tomohide Yabuki, Koji Miyazaki

  • Pool boiling critical heat flux enhancement using chemically oxidized sprayed coatings.

    Tomohide Yabuki, Takanori Tanaka, Koji Miyazaki

  • Enhancement of Boiling Heat Transfer by Electrolysis of Water.
